Art and all that stuff

Monday 11 March 2013

Recycling the willow.

I thought as we had deprived the small birds from one of their perching spots that I would give them something in return...

Can you guess what it is yet?
 Yes, it is a nest box.

It's a little way to go before it is finished as the willow is very wet. It is currently in the niche next to the wood burner in the hope that it will dry out somewhat before I finally secure the front. Hopefully it will be up in time to be used this year. The hole is 32mm and it is 130mm from the base of the compartment which is 110mm x 120mm.

The rest of the willow will be recycled as firewood, once it has matured that is... I am sure it will also be used by the various small mammals during this time. As we were stacking it up a small mouse made me jump as it scurried out of the pile!! 


  1. That is a wonderfully neat pile of wood.

    1. The one in the Header Photo, I presume? But have they got enough??

  2. Nice idea... much easier to work with new wood... don't dry it out too fast tho'.

    Just an idea... drill some deep holes across at the base for bee nests... the wood is big enough to take it.

    1. Another way of using it this year is to take another chunk of wood and make a half front for Robins, Redstarts, etc... and let it dry out naturally outside. Keep the real front safe and put it in place next Autumn.

    2. Thanks Tim I may do that if it is still wet in a couple of days. Will drill some holes for bee nests as well. Will look up a size! The header is our wood supplier he has single-handed harvested, cut, transported and stacked all that wood over the last few weeks... He is in his 80's...

    3. In his eighties and built entirely of sinew!!
      And bee nest holes are from 6 to 8mm diameter I believe...
      but I use hollow plant stems in mine from 4 through 12mm inside diameter... and all sizes have been seen sealed with mud... at least 10cm deep.

  3. I need some nesting boxes. Our birds all nest in our hedge and it is mighty difficult to keep it cut back and tidy when they are around! Have a good week Diane

  4. My word Colin, what with nesting boxes and grout could make a fortune at brocantes this year......!!

    (Very nice, BTW !!)


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