Art and all that stuff

Sunday 17 February 2013

Tempted Out of Hiding.

A sizeable portion of the food Colin puts out for the birds gets tossed to the ground due to the force and gusto with which the little birds attack the feeder and the bird table.

This spillage isn't wasted as it serves to nourish the ground feeders and the other day Colin noticed an addition to the usual band of ground feeders. The normally shy Jay had ventured into the middle of the lawn, in full view of the window, to partake of the feast..

Sadly Colin's camera was set up facing the opposite direction but I managed a few shots...

We were lucky enough to get a close up view of this beautiful bird before it saw us..
And was off in a flash of colour!


  1. Fantastic bird pics over the past few posts.


  2. No wonder it's shy -- fancy having to go through life as a pink crow...

    Great pics!

  3. I wonder why the camera is never in the direction you want it!! Great shot never the less. Diane


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