Art and all that stuff

Sunday 14 October 2012

Tupperware revisited

Yesterday's Festival du Chocolat reminded us of an old favourite which, coincidentally, Jim and Pauline wrote about recently on their Loire Valley Experiences blog and indeed we blogged about just twelve months ago...

In amongst all the chocolate-themed goodies, we spotted this stand...

The young lady doing a demonstration was eager to speak to us in English, as it had been her wish to be an English teacher when she finished her English Degree at University. This was not to be, however, and here she was eloquently extolling the virtues of moulded plastic in both French and English...

Interestingly she told us that for the first year of its production, France had been the only country to sell Tupperware. It was then launched internationally, which is when households in the UK suddenly found themselves owning products for which they had no immediate use. Despite its longevity and all its noble claims, could this perversely have been the start of 'spontaneous consumption'? No longer were we buying to meet a need; rather we were inventing a need to justify a purchase. Good marketing; but there again, a good product!

On a lighter note - Jim, you may recognise this vehicle..

1 comment:

  1. But you must always remember to "burp" you Tupperware containers... as I have just done to the biscuit container! And to the flour container when I used it just before we went to L'art et lard this afternoon... and we hope you are now dry!
    The weather station was showing 29.7mm before we left for our second visit there... so I reckon around two millimetrix fell during that thunderstorm... just after we last saw you, we popped back here to deal with the bread dough... and then went back to visit more ateliers.
    There was good art, like those illuminations, and there was some terrible 'daubing' too... some of those should have been left in the garden shed... or put there!!


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