Art and all that stuff

Wednesday 30 November 2011

The incredible price of Christmas chocolates,

Each year when the christmas chocolates come out in the supermarkets we are amazed by the expensive prices here in France.

We are talking about run of the mill chocolates like the two examples below, Quality Street and Celebrations.


We enjoy them both and Elizabeth can eat some of them as well. Here they are over TWICE the price they are in Angleterre.... Quality Street  €13.83 per Kg against £5:00, the same for Celebrations. WHY???

I think we will have to get some imports or have a chocolate free Christmas!!!

Due to our hectic social calender during December we will be limiting our daily blog to single caption photographs reflecting our last year here in France. We will be back in FULL in January...


  1. The solution is simple. Make your own chocolate treats for Christmas, then buy up a stack at the supermarket on special after they are reduced to clear. The own brand Super U truffles are superb, btw.

  2. Looks like you are in need of a food/chocolate parcel!!
    Enjoy your 'holiday'. I look forward to seeing the pics.

  3. I have to admit we both love chocolate, but our tastes have changed and we are quite happy with the packets of 5 bars for €1.20 which we can get from LeClerc or Intermarche. Dark chocolate, nut or milk chocolate. Best we don't buy anything fancy or we may go off the cheap stuff!
    We have no plans for Christmas as getting me well is top of the priority list at present. Have a great December, don't over do it. Diane

  4. Jim says - Ah! chocolate yum yum yum

  5. Diane I also like the cheap stuff and buy it regularly, unfortunately we have not found any that does not contain traces of Gluten. The only one is from good old Aldi and Elizabeth buys that regularly €2.99 for two thick bars.. Hope your cough improves soon there is nothing worse especially at night.


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