Art and all that stuff

Tuesday 2 August 2011

A Tale of Two Tigers....

A Tale of Two Tigers.... or so we thought!

When we first spotted this handsome butterfly on the lavender we thought it was a Tiger Swallowtail but on further investigation we now think it's a Scarce Swallowtail....


And let's face it, when you're as attractive as this specimen (even with a damaged wing) who really cares what you're called!

And the other tiger? Well, we're sure of that one... It's  a Jersey Tiger moth which seems to have taken up residence in the garden.


The colour of the hind-wings is shown at its best when the moth is in flight. Its striped legs are something else!

This shot shows just how well adapted it is to flight.  Does aircraft design owe anything to the Jersey Tiger???


  1. The word "stealth" springs to mind with regard to aircraft design!
    You have a great knack of capturing these guys - well done as I know it's not easy.

  2. What superb and amazing photos. Beautiful.

  3. Great shots of two lovely species.


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