Art and all that stuff

Thursday 7 July 2011

Recycled Sunflowers

Back in the winter we scoured the shops to find bird seed to keep up with the demands of our various feathered friends. We were delighted when the goldfinch adapted to a diet of sunflower seeds, when our supply of niger seed ran out.

It seems the birds have done a very efficient job of recycling and we now have a display of 'self-sown' sunflowers growing along the front garden wall.

Their forward planning also means that once the sunflowers have finished flowering the seed heads will remain to feed the birds into the winter. And looking at these flower heads they should last them a day or two!


Clever little things, these garden birds!!


  1. lovely photos !! Glorious blue sky and fabulous sunflowers.....not long now and we'll be chez nous ourselves !!

  2. Those sunflowers are huge. All the ones around here this year are so small they are hardly worth harvesting!

  3. Fantastic sunflowers. When they are at their peak they are just superb.


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