Art and all that stuff

Saturday 9 July 2011

Bambi in the bullrushes....

Whilst watering the potager the other night we spotted a young deer in the field at the back of the house.

By the time I'd gone for the camera it was busy grazing in the reeds and bullrushes growing along the dyke.

It was happy enough to feed there for quite some time until a sudden noise spooked it...

When I stood on a dead branch, it was off like a shot into the woods...

Will it come back again? I've no i 'deer'


  1. It is so nice to have wild life around you, great shots. Just hope it does not fancy the flavours in the potager!! Diane

  2. Seeing a deer like that is such a thrill, isn't it? You did well getting it photographed at all as they are so easily spooked.


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