Art and all that stuff

Friday 22 July 2011

Aire de Loisirs

For some time now we've been meaning to follow a sign to the Aire de Loisirs, on the road between Braye and the neighbouring village of Braslou. Yesterday I cycled down to do some exploring...

A track leads through the sunflower fields down to a small lake, but at present it can hardly be called a lake..

The lack of rain over the past months has left a cracked basin where once there was water.

There were plenty of butterflies around and one beauty of a fly which I've not come across before.

By coincidence Susan mentions one very like it in Days on the Claise today. Perhaps this is one of "lookalikes"; a close relative of Gymnosoma called Ectophasia crassipennis.

As for the rest of the Aire de loisirs,  it comprised a hut, some benches and a few horse riding jumps in the far field.

We will explore it further when the rains have done their bit to restore life and interest to the area.

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