Art and all that stuff

Friday 1 November 2013

Time Spent with Friends is Time Well Spent!

A warm welcome, good food and best of all, great company, awaited us at Gaynor and Tim's last night, when they hosted a curry evening for friends and fellow bloggers.

Guests were greeted by a pumpkin which Tim had cleverly carved into a 'Citroen' Hallowe'en Lantern!

The evening was a chance to catch up with old friends and to make some new ones, with the added bonus of Gaynor's delicious curry thrown in. "Thrown in" is only meant figuratively here - I reserve the literal application for my strawberry meringues.... but that's another story! (Yes, Gaynor, my dress is fine, thanks!)

We were out again this morning for lunch with Jim and Pauline followed by a walk near Chambon.

More of this walk tomorrow. For today we send a message to our hosts of last night......

Gaynor and Tim...
Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome, especially when you come bearing your strawberry meringues and help out with last minute preparations! ;0))


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