Art and all that stuff

Sunday 27 October 2013

Woodland Wander, Part One

We had intended to go to the Fungi Foray in the forest at Preuilly today but the weather this morning put us off. Instead we took advantage of a brief dry spell this afternoon to go to an area of our local woods which we've not visited for just over three years.

These particular woodland tracks can be accessed from just outside the village but we chose to drive round to the Braslou side of the wood and approach from the D20 to the West of Braslou.

The area is mixed woodland criss crossed by wide CR trails.

Despite the weather there was plenty to see. So for Part One, here are some of the flowers we saw this afternoon....
 And counting the spindleberry as a flower....

And then a promise of what's to come next year...

Orchids! Susan we could do with your expert identification skills please?!

Part Two to follow tomorrow!


  1. I imagine they are Lizard Orchids. Mine are already up. The only other possibility with leaves that big is Lady Orchids, but they don't emerge until the spring in my experience.

  2. Susan, thank you for the comment. I suspected they might be Lizard Orchids but couldn't be sure.


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