Art and all that stuff

Thursday 3 October 2013

Harvesting the Butternut Squash

Regular readers will perhaps remember me mentioning our Butternut Squash back at the beginning of August (See Here)

WELL!! Yesterday it was time to harvest them! Sorry, it.

It was so large and perfectly formed Elizabeth had to refrain from lifting it in case she damaged her back...

Don't all laugh at once... They just did not grow!

Anybody got a recipe for Butternut Squash soup!!

Will try again next year given that Pauline at 'De la  Bonne Bouffe' has given away the secret of success. Thanks Tim and Pauline.


  1. My butternuts were small this year but not THAT small. If you really want a fab recipe for butternut soup I have a great one. Keep well Diane

  2. Even though my record with butternut is no better, I laughed :-)

  3. You're most welcome to some of ours! It reminds me of growing them in England, really too far north for standard varieties. I suspect you may actually have planted yours too early, and they clearly didn't like the location. Full sun and lots of organic matter. And try a variety beginning with H!

  4. It also might have helped if you'd picked that little one very early on... it is like pinching out the flowers on some garden plants... it triggers something and they put out more.


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