Art and all that stuff

Friday 11 October 2013

Garden Fungi

Our garden of recent days has been a total mass of Fungi.

The ones above were the second batch and appeared overnight...

In a different area and a different fungi we had two or three circles of them!

and at the base of a pruned yew tree another variety

Most of them we think are non edible but we did have a few edible field mushrooms. These we made into some soup and a mushroom omelette (with our eggs of course).

It's obviously a good year for the Fungi...

We wonder if this will be confirmed when the Association de Botanique et de Mycologie in Sainte Maure de Touraine do their annual fungi foraging later in the month.  We may well attend, as we did last year, if we find out when it is taking place.


  1. This Sunday [13th] for Forest of Chinon [14.30pm] which clashes with L'Art et Lard....
    Sunday 27th Oct - Forest of Prooly 14.30pm at the Etang de la Ribaloche...
    Saturday 2nd Nov - Foret de Loches 14.00hrs [Pyramid de Saint-Quentin - D31 route de Blere]
    Saturday 16th Nov for Forest of Chinon [14.00pm] at the Carrefour Chaz VII

  2. Thanks Tim We will proably go to Prooly.

  3. If you go to Prooly on the 27th, there is also [all day] a Marché a la Ferme at Civray [the one just over the hill from us [in the commune of La Cell Gurnard]...
    so you can take that in en-route...


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