Art and all that stuff

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Flame Dance!

After taking the brush cutter to our 'hill', which we have left to nature since the spring, we had a great deal of 'brush' to burn. So we would have a little bonfire!!!

Also our 'hole', in which we dump anything and everything green, had got rather full.

So for the past two days the bonfire has grown and  has burnt an incredible amount of the Leylandii and Laurel branches from out of the hole...

Elizabeth captured these dancing flames as the fire was in full swing.

So we now have half our hole back in which to put more waste... (I note Elizabeth is poised with saw in hand!) and a great pile of ash for the garden.

1 comment:

  1. The second picture looks a good one for spoofing....
    cropped carefully at the bottome of the flame....
    with the caption:
    "Leylandii spontaneously combusts"
    ....with any luck the Daily Wail will pick up on it and everyone will start chopping the damned things down!!

    How do you find out how much wood is in a stere....
    use your log tables!!


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