Art and all that stuff

Friday 1 February 2013

1st February already. What a difference!

This time last year we were under several inches of snow which lasted for two weeks, with daytime temperatures not exceeding -5c for the whole of this period.

Not so this year! On Wednesday we recorded 14c and the night time temperatures are well above freezing. The down side is the rainfall which is seemingly endless...

Despite the rain we took a walk through the village and into the woods to record the difference between the two years. Our photos need no captions...

And just how wet was it?

We think you'll agree; there is quite a difference. Give us the white stuff any day (as long as we don't need to travel, that is!)


  1. Our rain gauge is showing 17mm so far this month...
    And it IS the first of February...

  2. Great series of photos. I am with Tim, I am beginning to think we need web feet. have a good weekend despite the weather. Diane


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