Art and all that stuff

Sunday 31 July 2011

Fête du bois du temple - 2ème Randomée Autos - Motos Rétro

Today we attended the Fête du bois du temple - 2ème Randomée Autos - Motos Rétro. It was held in our village in the wood adjacent to the village hall just across the field from our house.

The morning started with an extensive Vide Grenier. The stalls covered a huge area and continued throughout the day.

From lunchtime onwards the stars of the show were the old cars and motorbikes... There was a great selection of French, American and British vehicles of varying ages on display. Here are a couple of general pictures. For all you car enthusiasts, like myself, I have included a good selection of individual vehicle pictures on the Autos - Motos Rétro Page.


As always in France the event was very well attended with people coming from all around the area. The event concludes tonight with a firework display at 23:00 hours.... We will be there....

1 comment:

  1. I love those rural French car displays - there are some amazing vehicles on display. Enjoy the fireworks!


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