Art and all that stuff

Art and all that stuff

One or two people have been kind enough to comment on my art work recently. Because of this I've decided to dedicate a page of our blog to it, with the idea of selling some of it to supplement our pensions!

There is much more on my Art Blog 'Spangledust'

I have been making stuff all my life; some of it reasonable, some not fit to see the light of day but a small proportion of it I guess is worth sharing. 

Over the next few weeks I will be uploading some pictures of my collection. There will be a range of items from watercolour paintings to pictures created from seaweed. Don't be put off by the latter; they are made by using the most delicate of marine plant life and are really quite beautiful, with their natural structure preserved on paper. That's the best I can do to describe them. More than that, well... take a look!

Seaweed Art

Here are one or two examples of seaweed art. These images are scanned copies of actual seaweed and I make them into cards, notelets, book marks etc. I use the originals to make pictures, framed either as a single piece or in multi-aperture mounts.

If you like what you see there is more on our web album.

Stone polishing

Having collected rocks and stones all my life in an attempt to baffle geologists of the future, I recently discovered the fun of stone-polishing. Colin bought me a stone polisher and it took off from there. 

The following is an account of some pebbles we collected on the beaches of the Vendee, near Saint-Jean-de-Monts.

First, here they are on the beach in their 'raw' state:

and now close up:

After six weeks of tumbling and polishing, this is the result:

These are then ready to be made into jewellry:

Water colours
My favourite subjects for watercolours are flowers and birds. One or two examples follow:


As with the Seaweed Art, I mount and frame the original pictures and use scanned copies to make cards and notelets etc.. 
Any of the above can be done as a commission. Just let me know if you are interested in anything you see!