Art and all that stuff

Saturday 30 July 2016

Evening sunlight...

I've just been out to capture the evening sunlight on some of our flowers. It adds such a vibrant, yet ephemeral quality...

 An one exception... a regular visitor for the time being... and doesn't the sunlight enhance its plumage?

Friday 29 July 2016


This morning I noticed some droppings near the front door..

And on looking up, I found the culprit and my goodness what a cutie it is!

The question is can anyone help us out with the I.D. please?

The most accurate measurement I can give is that it's about 5cm long. I'm guessing at Pipistrelle??

PS Following Susan's comment, I am adding two photos, one taken yesterday early evening and the second, early this morning...

Monday 25 July 2016

Le Mariage de nos Voisins....

Samedi 23 Juillet 2016 
Le Mariage de
Maggy et Anthony

We were so happy to be invited to share this very special occasion.  

I don't think I've been to a wedding so full of fun. Maggy's "Oui" in the Mairie was immediate and strong, whereas Anthony teased with a thoughtful look and then a considered "Oui".. 

The humour continued in the church service. Thimeo raced down the aisle ahead of his mum, with a poster. He was going so fast we couldn't read it but Anthony showed it off afterwards. Basically, too late to flee; she's arrived!

A proud walk for Maggy's father...

The signing...

And because Anthony is a member of the Sapeurs Pompiers, there was a very special guard of honour..

And, of course, they brought their vehicle with them..

 And the star of the day? Thimeo!!

Nous nous souviendrons toujours de ce jour et merci Maggy et Maxence  pour m'apporter ces fleurs.
Nous allons vous manquer beaucoup Maggy, Anthony, Thimeo et Maxence

Sunday 24 July 2016

May contain nuts...

Not only is the black and white woodpecker content with taking our hazelnuts...

It has started visiting the feeder next to the bird table, for peanuts....

It isn't even all that worried about our presence..

If anything, it is quite brazen about it!

Well, make the most of them, Woody; they are only in the feeder to use them up!

Monday 18 July 2016

Duct Tape rules!

Those who have followed our blog for some time may recall our photos of a car held together by duct tape

Well the good (or bad) news is that the car is still alive and running...

though when it comes to running, it is not necessarily fully on the road, as we witnessed when we followed it home from Richelieu the other day..

It's a car, Jim, but not as we know it!

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Tour de France 2016

What a fantastic day!

By 10:30 we  were installed in our camping chairs by the roadside at the approach to the commune of Orches. This was  Stage 4 of the race - Saumur/ Limoges (237.5 km).

We met up with friends and were soon entertained by the caravane publicitaire. As the name suggests, this is a convoy of amazingly constructed vehicles provided by the various sponsors. Freebies are thrown out to the crowd all along the route.


Then something we hadn't expected....

VIP helicopters landed in the field across the road from us...

The occupants were whisked into waiting cars to complete their journey!

We only had a short wait before the riders arrived....

After the first few photos I decided to use video instead, to show the sheer scale of the field and the support vehicles...

We came away armed with our freebies after we'd watched all the helicopters leave. 

A thoroughly memorable day!

Monday 4 July 2016

Summer's evening by the Creuse

We spent a lovely evening in Barrou on Saturday at the "12e Festival des Barroudeurs".

The first act we saw was Baptiste Pizon, who sang one of my all time favourites - in English, of course!

The weather was perfect and the company, the best, but got a bit chilly later. That was what made us decide to leave and as we made our way to the road, the road came towards me rather more quickly than I'd anticipated. I went down like a stone; flat on my face.

In Susan's words:

"Your fall was fairly dramatic. The effect was enhanced I think because you were wearing very pale colours and it was nearly dark. You just went straight down"

Fortunately I was relatively unscathed. However my camera, which was in my bag, fared less well suffering a shattered lens and broken shutter.

Colin has ordered a new one. He'll just have to put up with the old one of  me, though!