Art and all that stuff

Monday 30 April 2012

Size Matters...

Size matters.... or does it?

The following were spotted on our travels recently. They remind me of a game I used to play with the reception class children: the idea being to match the object with the right person.

The mismatch, in terms of size, is obvious in each of the above.

Yet, whilst we can't speak for the gentleman in the first photo, the children have actively chosen their mismatch, so perhaps size doesn't matter after all..... as long as you're under ten.

So does that mean I spent twenty plus years trying to drum into children a concept which was completely useless?? Probably!!

Sunday 29 April 2012

A Steep Learning Curve...

A recent trip to Brico Depôt proved to be a steep learning curve by any standards.

We wanted bits and pieces from more than one section of the shop, which involved following procedures, at this point unfamiliar to us. Beginning inside the main building we searched the rows for the things on our list, but finding none of them we went back outside.

One item was displayed in the outer area and had to be collected from a separate building. As the item would have been difficult to describe I took a photo to show at the desk. Hilarity followed;  not only was the photo idea novel, since the item had been put on display there had been a price cut. Should we be charged the price on the photo, or the new reduced price? It made the staff laugh anyway!

With a copy of our order in hand we went back to the main store to pay. Then it was back to the first building to collect our goods and get them on the roof rack.

Then the real fun started. We needed one or two things from the outdoor materials section. This operates as a secure drive-through. Prior to entry customers must declare purchases already made. The load on our roof  bars was obvious!

We did a dry run on foot to get our bearings before taking the car and loading up. 

Then joined the queue to pay...

What a busy place! They came on foot, by car and in every type of van...

In due course we were through the check point, with purchases secured... and a real sense of achievement at having made sense of the system.

 Our next visit will be so much easier..  but I wonder if it will be as much fun?!

Saturday 28 April 2012

Return of the Hoopoe

Today has been one of the wettest days for many months, it has rained non stop... Like being back in Lancashire!

It has however softened up the garden and this morning one of our lawn feeders returned for the first time this year. The Hoopoe (Upupa epops) pronounced Hu Po has returned to breed as it did last year in the woodland at the back of our house.

We had heard its distinctive call, which can be heard here, a couple of weeks ago but had had no sightings until this morning.

Bet it wished it had stayed in Africa with the way the weather has been, but on the other hand, judging by the size of the worm in the first photograph, the food is good.

For more information on the Hoopoe click here

Friday 27 April 2012

Monster Trucks!

Passing through the small town of Lencloître today we saw posters advertising an event taking place this weekend.

The Cascadeurs Monster Trucks are in town, promising to demolish old cars and trucks...

With the invitation to "Plein les yeux avec les Hell Drivers" emblazoned across the trailers, it looks like it's going to be a crushing event!...

Don't leave your cars parked around Lencloître this weekend; they might not stop at the 'vieilles voitures!'

Thursday 26 April 2012

Incredible seeds...

With the -18°C temperatures last winter we lost all our Geranium plants despite sheltering them. It was a shame because most of them had been grown from a packet of unmarked seeds. See here.

This year to replenish our stock Elizabeth had two packets of Geranium seeds...  F² Sunlover Mixture, Suttons Quality guaranteed...

Geranium seeds are supposed to be difficult to grow but these, which we sowed a few of weeks ago, have germinated and today we transplanted the seedlings from the first packet into separate pots...

Nothing remarkable there then...  14 fine little Geranium plants...

Now take a look at the other side of the seed packet...

Yes the seeds were 10 years old!

The moral of the story don't throw out your old seeds... Especially ones marked 'Quality guaranteed'

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Now for something completely different...

Being a horrid wet and windy day today we decided to research partitioning materials. We were looking for a supplier of 40 x 40 'Brique Plâtrière' and not having much success.

Having seen them in Leroy Merlin we tried their web site first... Their web site search engine leaves much to be desired!!!! it pulls up everything other than what you want...

We then moved on to Brico Depot, one of our favorites, but nothing turned up...

On the next search we pulled up some interesting DIY retail information we thought worth sharing with you...

Interestingly all the above companies are part of the British Company Kingfisher plc.  a fact we did not realise!

Take the time to open each picture and if you read nothing else read the "Did you know...?" section on each one... Amazing...

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Rose coloured spectacles

This display of pansies is testimony to the strength of positive thinking....

Without even a level base to stand it on, it defies the odds to balance on a ledge and brighten an otherwise unremarkable spot.

To the right of the photo, a rose climbs its way up the drain pipe; soon to add its blooms to the display.

For the bigger picture, with yet  more planting on show, see below:

I would hazard a guess that the person who gardens here is of a sunny disposition and will make the most of what life puts their way.

I take my hat off to their determination to make it work!

Monday 23 April 2012

Is that your best chatup line?

I'm so pretty, so pretty, so pretty...
Why can't I get a mate?

How about ruffling up those feathers together!

Go fly away if that's your best line...

Oh go on, we could make some fine eggs together!!!

Sunday 22 April 2012

A walk to the Château de Marmande

Last Sunday we went to explore the area near to Vellèches.

We had noticed (well, you couldn't really miss it!) a very imposing structure which dominated the scenery for miles around..

It took us a couple of attempts to work out its location but perseverance paid off and we arrived at a small car park at the foot of a hill leading up to the Château de Marmande, en route to Vellechès

A notice board by the car park displayed several local walks, including a route up past the château. We chose this option and set off up what Elizabeth would call "a slight incline"..

 At the summit we discovered that the château is, as we suspected, in private hands.

However, the climb had been worth it for the views over the surrounding countryside...

with Vellèches in the distance..

We couldn't help but wonder, though, how much longer this tower would withstand the ravages of time and weather when we looked at it through the telephoto lens...

Then, with the wind stopping us in our tracks, we wondered if we could withstand the weather.....

We decided we couldn't and returned to the car for a less exposed walk by the river Vienne, as recounted here and here.

Saturday 21 April 2012

April weather *!?*!?#*?...

We are not impressed with the weather at the moment... The night frosts have wreaked havoc with seedlings and our Catalpa tree. Last year we started most of our seedlings in the grenier but with the limited light they tend to become leggy very quickly... 

This year we bought two plastic greenhouses... Elizabeth's flower seeds have thrived but unfortunately all the veg seedlings have suffered badly and have had to be moved back to the grenier. These courgette seedlings are beyond redemption!

We noticed this morning that our beloved Catalpa tree has also been badly damaged. The buds which were beginning to open are now blackened at the tips. We wonder if anyone has any experience of this happening and can tell us if it is likely to recover, either this season or next year?

This is what we were hoping to see in a few weeks....

Friday 20 April 2012

Château de Chenonceau

Today we have been with our guests, Elizabeth's sister Mary and her husband Ernie, to the Château de Chenonceau which is modestly described by Wikipedia as "a manor house near the small village of Chenonceaux". It is probably one of the more noted of the Loire valley châteaux and is regularly featured on the front of guides to the Loire. For full information follow our link above.

We managed to dodge the showers and here are a few of our external pictures.

Despite heavy showers there was not much water in the river Cher...

We did notice this young french chap who obviously has high aspirations in the field of photography...

Say "Fromage!"...